Upcycled materials

Every year, humanity is living on credit because it is consuming all the natural resources of the planet too quickly. We must act, ALL TOGETHER, for a better world. Did you know that there will soon be more plastic than fish in our oceans? Or that fashion has become the second most polluting industry in the world after oil? Yes, it makes you think...

In addition to all this, our regions are full of TONS of materials that are not yet recycled... From there, our desire was born to turn them into raw materials and give them a second life in order to preserve natural resources. Today, we recycle no less than 5 different materials.

Upcycling of bicycle tyres

The adventure began with a flat bicycle tyre that became a belt in a student cellar. This is still the material we collect the most. 

But where do we collect so many punctured tyres? Thanks to several repair shops in the Lille metropolitan area (Coucou les Mains dans le Guidon, our historical supplier), to local waste disposal centres and to our partnership with Décathlon which allows us to collect from all the shops in the region. You will find here the map of collection points where you can drop off your tyres. We also work with tyre manufacturers such as Michelin and Hutchinson to manage their dormant stocks and production scraps. 

By the way, can all bicycle tyres become belts? Unfortunately not. For example, we cannot upgrade mountain bike tyres with studs larger than 3 mm and cracked tyres because they would not stand the test of time. For more information, please see our specifications for collection. 

 We then organise all the logistics to bring them back to the workshop before being pampered. We sort them out again to keep only the tyres that can be recycled for La Vie est Belt. There is only one step left before the metamorphosis begins: washing, of course.

 You are a bicycle workshop and you have a lot of used bicycle tyres in stock, join our collectors by filling in this quick questionnaire.

Belt Pro - Equipe Cofidis
Belt Pro - Equipe Cofidis
Belt Pro - Equipe Cofidis
Belt Pro - Equipe Cofidis

Belt Pro - Equipe Cofidis

Bicycle Upcycled Bike Belt - Veligo Medium 
Bicycle Upcycled Bike Belt - Veligo Medium 
Bicycle Upcycled Bike Belt - Veligo Medium 
Bicycle Upcycled Bike Belt - Veligo Medium 
Bicycle Upcycled Bike Belt - Veligo Medium 
Bicycle Upcycled Bike Belt - Veligo Medium 

Bicycle Upcycled Bike Belt - Veligo Medium 

Tubeless Bicycle Belt Chataîgne
Tubeless Bicycle Belt Chataîgne
Tubeless Bicycle Belt Chataîgne
Tubeless Bicycle Belt Chataîgne
Belt Tubeless Bicycle Chataîgne - LA VIE EST BELT
Tubeless Bicycle Belt Chataîgne
Tubeless Bicycle Belt Chataîgne
Tubeless Bicycle Belt Chataîgne
Tubeless Bicycle Belt Chataîgne
Belt Tubeless Bicycle Chataîgne - LA VIE EST BELT

Tubeless Bicycle Belt Chataîgne

Belt Belt Bike Race
Belt Belt Bike Race
Michelin Lithion Bike Belt - LA VIE EST BELT
Belt Belt Bike Race
Belt Belt Bike Race
Michelin Lithion Bike Belt - LA VIE EST BELT

Belt Belt Bike Race

See Bicycle Belts

Are you part of a company that is faced with piles of waste and you think we could help you to recycle it? Contact us at contact@lavieestbelt.fr